i am one lucky mama to have THREE amazing valentines!
we had a day full of heart shaped meals, and lots of extra hugs & kisses from my love bugs.
valentine's day french toast & strawberries for breakfast. well....technically it was brunch by the time we were all dressed and ready for the day. ;)
love these two to the moon and back....
making their own heart shaped pizzas for dinner
"me?!? stuffing handfuls of cheese into my mouth when no one's looking?? whatever do you mean?!?"
ta da! the finished product. de-lish.
when hugh got home from work, i finally got a chance to hop in the shower....yes, that's right, finally, at approximately 5 pm. ugh. and what a relaxing shower it was, as liam pounded on the bathroom door yelling, "out mama, out mama!" ;)
when i finally emerged from our bedroom, liam led me upstairs to the kitchen table to show me a beautiful vase full of white roses and cards that he and jackson had made for me. so sweet! he was SO excited to show me, he could hardly contain himself, which explains the pounding on the bathroom door. well...at least the more exaggerated and continuing pounding than the usual. :)
the boys enjoyed their yummy pizza dinner, and while i got the kids to bed, my hubby made a delicious dinner, for just the two of us. we had our own little quiet dinner date at home. nevermind the fact that it was close to 9 pm by the time we actually got to eat. ;)
valentine's dinner. minus the steaks (which were still on the grill). yum.
we're not big on doing valentine's day gifts for each other. mostly, we like to use the day as an excuse to enjoy eachother's company & and have a fancier-than-usual dinner, just the two of us.
but this year, i thought i'd do a little something for my hubby that i knew he (and really, myself as well) would appreciate.
my least favorite chore in the entire world is ironing. i completely & absolutely HATE it! i would much, much rather do dishes, laundry, dust, mop, or even scrub toilets than iron. it's. the. worst.
i even convinced my hubby that i needed a new, nice, expensive iron, thinking maybe that would help make the chore easier or more enjoyable. nope. didn't help at all.
when hugh changed careers this past july, the ironing really started. all of the sudden he had to start actually wearing dress clothes to work. lame.
i find myself missing his days as a landscape designer when he wore jeans, a baseball cap, and a button down pulled straight out of the dryer, 4 out of 5 days to work.
i do not however, miss the dirty work boots tromping mud throughout my house. :)
i always have a heaping pile of "to be ironed" clothes hanging over my dresser. and i almost always procrastinate until his entire work wardrobe is in that pile, and he quite literally has nothing left in his closet to wear...making me depise the chore that much more--because i know it is going to take me forever to make my way through that pile.
so a couple days before valentine's day, i gathered up that pile, and dropped it off at the dry cleaners. when i picked it up on tuesday, i tied a big bow around it and left it in his closet with a sweet little note.
now he has a closet full of neatly pressed shirts and pants...and the best part is--i didn't have to do it!
a gift for us both, indeed. SO worth the $2.25/shirt! well...at least every once in awhile, that is.
a lovely day for sure with the ones i love!
oh, and someone please remind me next year to have jackson start writing the names on his valentines a whole WEEK before the actual day. so proud of him for taking his time & focusing to write so neatly. however, he can only focus for about 3 minutes at a time. so even though we started 3 days prior to his valentine's party...we were still scrambling to finish them up the day of! :)